At Team Benik we take great pride in producing top quality karts that win races which is why we manufacture our chassis and components in Italy using modern technologies and materials that will only deliver the best performance on the track. The assembly and where the BENIK Kart is brought to life is undertaken in our Florida based factory where our team deliver the best in finishing processes, ready to race.

In addition to top level equipment, the Benik approach to driver development is a fundamental focus of the team. All Benik Drivers are trained using personalized coaching methods to allow each driver to progress and perform at their personal best.
With plans to continue to remain at the forefront in the upper echelon of North American karting, Team
Benik will be front and center at the annual Florida Winter Tour, SuperKarts! USA Pro Tour, SuperKarts!
USA Super Nationals – Las Vegas, Rok Cup USA Florida, and USPKS series.